How To Format a Flash Disk Drive of Using DOS Environment.
What is DOS? DOS Means Disk Operating System, is own by the microsoft coporation and was change the name to MS DOS Microsoft disk operating system.
Step to format A Flash Disk Drive in DOS Environment.
1. Insert the Flash Disk Drive in your computer.
2. Go to MyComputer.
3. Locate the flash name Either D: or E: depending on the name, the computer assigned to it.
4. Minimize the windows and go back to start button of windows menu.
5. Click at All Program Point to Accessory and Choose Command prompt on the list of menu that appears.
6. Type CD\Enter to change directory.
7. Type Format space the drive name follows with column and Enter key.
Example: Format E: Enter
8. Pressenter to continue.
9. Type Y on your computer keyboard.
10. Wait for a minute or seconds depending on the processing speed
11. After it reaches to100% the system will give you the drive analys is.
12. Type EXIT and go to MyComputer and you will see that your drive has been formatted.
That's all and enjoy dont forget to share it, to your friends also leave your comment if you have any problem.
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